Filter management

All of your filters can be accessed by clicking on the cog icon next to the drop-down menu of saved filters. Click on the name of the filter to manage the settings for that filter.

To the right of the filter name, there are three columns. In the first, you can see which filter is selected as the default filter in Monitoring and which is the default filter on Dashboard. Contact filters can be saved here too and one can be selected as the default filter for Contacts.

In the next column, there is a „Quick access“ check box. This defines whether a filter is in the quick access section of the filter header. You can find the quick access section in the top left of the filter header next to the  icon as a drop-down list.

A RSS and HTML feed are available in the right-hand column. If the icon is grey, clicking on it will set up the feed. If the icon is orange, you can open the feed by clicking on the icon. A feed provides a list of articles from the relevant filter without having to be logged in to ARGUSavenue. With this, you can share the latest articles on your intranet or include the feed in a reader and constantly have a news ticker available. To change the default filter or delete a filter or feed, click on „Edit“ on the top right-hand side. A deleted feed can be recreated at any time and has no impact on the filter itself. If it is not possible to delete a filter, this is because a filter is already being used, e.g. for a report.